The Absence of Light is a dark prose novel written by 25-year-old J. Daniel Stone. The story involves two groups of friends--one group a metal band and the other a clan of ghost hunters--who clash after a night of rocking out in a seedy downtown club in NYC. With his fascinating ability for mapping out interesting characters, and a natural ability at setting a gloomy mood, Stone successfully takes his readers through the problems that everyday people face within the boondocks via a small Pennsylvania mining town dusted in anthracite, to the frightening throes of the ever-changing face of New...
The Absence of Light is a dark prose novel written by 25-year-old J. Daniel Stone. The story involves two groups of friends--one group a metal band an...
To macabre painter Dorian Wilde, art is a weapon. Dissatisfied with life and where it is leading him, he looks to himself and to his partner, Leland, for answers that cannot be. Tyria Vane is a spoken word poet who has never felt part of any clique or crowd. She is haunted by dreams of an abusive childhood that she can only make sense of through words, and with the help of her lover, Adelaide. An unexpected introduction sparks new promise in Dorian's creative heart, in Tyria's poetic soul, and they begin to understand that only together are they able to satiate their weird lusts and...
To macabre painter Dorian Wilde, art is a weapon. Dissatisfied with life and where it is leading him, he looks to himself and to his partner, Leland, ...