"Life is a Ball, Don't Put Me in a Box" written by Mira Stulberg-Halpert, is a book dedicated to the 40 million children in America and hundreds of millions of students worldwide who learn differently. Mira, inspired by the great Dr. Suess, writes in prose. This inspirational book is designed to help parents, grandparents and professionals see children from a positive perspective. Mira's goal is to bridge the gap; so that parents and professionals can help kids who learn differently succeed, by focusing on their unique abilities. Mira believes that Balls can and will change the world, when we...
"Life is a Ball, Don't Put Me in a Box" written by Mira Stulberg-Halpert, is a book dedicated to the 40 million children in America and hundreds of mi...
"Success By 3rd Grade" is designed to help parents realize that their child's success depends on their actions The book describes the challenges that the Common Core Standards present for smart children who learn differently. This book focuses on what parents CAN DO to help their child succeed. The information and action steps will work for your child who is gifted, a smart struggling student or has a learning disability, dyslexia or ADHD.
"Success By 3rd Grade" is designed to help parents realize that their child's success depends on their actions The book describes the challenges that...