There are many places where you can find money tips, but never before has there been just one book with over 1000 useful budgeting tips and hints. With sections for every part of your life: Lifestyle In the home Families Celebrations Weddings Helping the environment Money This is a realistic budgeting companion and if you memorise just one tip every day, this book will take you almost 3 years to learn."
There are many places where you can find money tips, but never before has there been just one book with over 1000 useful budgeting tips and hints. Wit...
If you have ever wondered why other people seem to manage their finances better than you, then you're about to find out how they do it; with this simple and practical book -Money Tips from the Budget Bitch.
If you have ever wondered why other people seem to manage their finances better than you, then you're about to find out how they do it; with this simp...
My mother never believed that she was a good cook; yet her biscuits, cakes and slices were legendary amongst family and friends. Visitors to our home were always offered an array of tempting home-baking. Mums' recipe book has been passed to me. It's one of my treasures and it evokes many memories as I remember happy times and recreate her favourite recipes. I look in the mirror and as I realise why I'm so fat - I wouldn't take away even one mouthful of those wonderful cakes or slices
My mother never believed that she was a good cook; yet her biscuits, cakes and slices were legendary amongst family and friends. Visitors to our home ...