Sarah is a young, pretty, confident teenager with a deep faith, and the world seems ready to cater to her wishes. But she hides a warped self-image, depression, and desperate need for self-control, only to force it out in secret purging sessions. As she adjusts to her junior year at a new high school, Sarah struggles to cope with her growing discomfort and self-critical attitudes, even while easily making friends and displaying a confident exterior. One fateful day, Sarah follows her friend's seemingly trivial suggestion and willingly walks into a corrosive world of binging, purging, and...
Sarah is a young, pretty, confident teenager with a deep faith, and the world seems ready to cater to her wishes. But she hides a warped self-image...
Sarah is a young, pretty, confident teenager with a deep faith, and the world seems ready to cater to her wishes. But she hides a warped self-image, depression, and desperate need for self-control, only to force it out in secret purging sessions. As she adjusts to her junior year at a new high school, Sarah struggles to cope with her growing discomfort and self-critical attitudes, even while easily making friends and displaying a confident exterior. One fateful day, Sarah follows her friend's seemingly trivial suggestion and willingly walks into a corrosive world of binging, purging, and...
Sarah is a young, pretty, confident teenager with a deep faith, and the world seems ready to cater to her wishes. But she hides a warped self-image...