This exceptional collection provides new insight into the life of North Carolina writer and activist Paul Green (1894-1981), the first southern playwright to attract international acclaim for his socially conscious dramas. Green, who taught philosophy and drama at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1927 for In Abraham's Bosom, an authentic drama of black life. Among his other Broadway productions were Native Son and Johnny Johnson. From the 1930s onward, Green created fifteen outdoor historical productions known as symphonic dramas,...
This exceptional collection provides new insight into the life of North Carolina writer and activist Paul Green (1894-1981), the first southern playwr...
When Lucas Beardsley blundered into the Qliphothic Forces of the Polyverse, Britain's reality-consensus was drastically disrupted. Everyday causality was never quite the same again... Now Londoners escape into the virtual-reality thrills of Pleasure Centres plc, while Borderland villages embrace an eclectic neo-paganism. Meanwhile Fundamentalist militias - Mo-Boys and Heavy Shepherds - battle for overall control. In the Borderlands, Lucas works desperate magicks to win back his ex-lover Carla. In London traumatised ex-MOD computer wizard Dr Crowe seeks work with Pleasure Centres - which also...
When Lucas Beardsley blundered into the Qliphothic Forces of the Polyverse, Britain's reality-consensus was drastically disrupted. Everyday causality ...