Mr. Mouse helps Mrs. Josie Bee to sell her produce. But greed takes Mr. Mouse on the path of despair. He needs a special intervention; he needs his life to be changed.
Mr. Mouse helps Mrs. Josie Bee to sell her produce. But greed takes Mr. Mouse on the path of despair. He needs a special intervention; he needs his li...
Cartea pentru copii "O CARUTA CIUDATA" le prezinta cititorilor ce se intampla cand greierul Billy Boo se ia dupa zvonuri. Un cuvant, o alarma falsa, si bietul personaj pleaca in lumea larga. Broasca testoasa, vicleana si cu intentii ascunse, ajunge ea insasi sa creada povestea prapastioasa cu care s-a prezentat in miez de noapte la usa greierului obosit.
Cartea pentru copii "O CARUTA CIUDATA" le prezinta cititorilor ce se intampla cand greierul Billy Boo se ia dupa zvonuri. Un cuvant, o alarma falsa, s...
Ninge de cateva zile pe strada gastelor, iar gascanul Bran isi cauta cainele, pe Bonbon. Cu un scrasnet strident de frane, masina laptarului opreste in fata casei de peste drum. Soferul pare sa fie foarte suparat. Unii fac pregatiri intense de Craciun, cu bunatati pe care sa le savureze singuri, pe cand altii isi pregatesc inima sa fie mai buna. Finalul povestii este incredibil. Ce se intampla cand uiti ce te-ai rugat? Si ce fel de dar poate fi facut numai in mijlocul drumului? Deschide cartea si lasa ca gastele sa iti spuna povestea lor.
Ninge de cateva zile pe strada gastelor, iar gascanul Bran isi cauta cainele, pe Bonbon. Cu un scrasnet strident de frane, masina laptarului opreste i...
"Nu poate sa mi se intample nimic rau daca plec singur la plimbare" s-a gandit Whiskers. Dar dupa ce a ajuns in parc, si-ar fi dorit sa fi ramas linistit acasa. Fortat sa doarma intr-o cutie de pantofi, Craciunul nu arata prea vesel pentru bietul pisoi. Whiskers si sora lui Cookie sunt doua pisici reale care traiesc in California. Povestile lor sunt pline de umor. Cauta pe si poti sa citesti toate aventurile lor in limba engleza.
"Nu poate sa mi se intample nimic rau daca plec singur la plimbare" s-a gandit Whiskers. Dar dupa ce a ajuns in parc, si-ar fi dorit sa fi ramas linis...
When Whiskers moves to a new city, he doesn't know about the danger in the park behind their house. He finds himself relocated to a new address by force, from where he can see his home. He can't stand watching Cookie moving in his room and using his things. The course of action develops quickly when he tries to contact Santa, the FBI and his mother. The kidnappers are overwhelmed with him and they feel that Whiskers has to go. Right away.
When Whiskers moves to a new city, he doesn't know about the danger in the park behind their house. He finds himself relocated to a new address by for...
It's snowing on Geese Lane and Bran the gander is worried about his pet, Bonbon. The pooch could get lost in the big snow. The milk truck makes a loud noise and stops in the front of the house across the street. The upset driver doesn't bring any good news. Some make great preparations in the kitchen to celebrate Christmas, while others teach their hearts to be kind.
It's snowing on Geese Lane and Bran the gander is worried about his pet, Bonbon. The pooch could get lost in the big snow. The milk truck makes a loud...
It was getting dark when the truck woke up from its nap. There was something strange moving back and forth in the weeds. And when the vehicle looked in its broken mirror, he saw... Frightened, the hens in the nests by the passenger seat flew out the window, leaving a cloud of feathers behind. "Don't worry," the truck's friend said getting in the driver's seat. "You are in good hands." The truck was ready. That was going to be the ride of its life.
It was getting dark when the truck woke up from its nap. There was something strange moving back and forth in the weeds. And when the vehicle looked i...
Fiecare ne inchipuim fericirea in multe feluri si de cele mai multe ori ne gandim ca daca iubim si suntem iubiti, fericirea este completa. Dar ce se intampla daca unul dintre cei doi isi cauta fericirea in alta parte? Ce se intampla cu durerea celui care este lasat in urma? Oare exista vreun pod care sa-l duca dincolo de durere si suferinta? El exista.
Fiecare ne inchipuim fericirea in multe feluri si de cele mai multe ori ne gandim ca daca iubim si suntem iubiti, fericirea este completa. Dar ce se i...
Pe cand dormea sub cerul liber, camionul auzi un zgomot care il facu sa tresara. Speriat, se uita in ciobul oglinzii retrovizoare sa vada ce se intampla, dar nu deslusi mare lucru. Maini dibace mestereau ceva la farurile de ceata si toate luminile camionului s-au aprins ca la comanda. De-acum aventura vietii lui era gata sa inceapa.
Pe cand dormea sub cerul liber, camionul auzi un zgomot care il facu sa tresara. Speriat, se uita in ciobul oglinzii retrovizoare sa vada ce se intamp...