To our Free Will Baptist Fathers: Who, grasping early great and essential principles, through labors abundant and sacrifices above measure, have been instrumental in establishing for the world a larger view of God and a deeper sense of man's responsibility, this book is affectionately dedicated.
To our Free Will Baptist Fathers: Who, grasping early great and essential principles, through labors abundant and sacrifices above measure, have been ...
Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools for Lawrence, Mass., and for West Virginia, president of the Northwestern and West Virginia Colleges, principal of Nebraska State Normal School, and member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. He was editor/publisher of the Freewill Baptist Quarterly, and is the author of "The Rhode Island Freewill Baptist Pulpit," "The Support of the Ministry," "Memorials of the Free Communion Baptists."
Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools f...
Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools for Lawrence, Mass., and for West Virginia, president of the Northwestern and West Virginia Colleges, principal of Nebraska State Normal School, and member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. He was editor/publisher of the Freewill Baptist Quarterly, and is the author of "The Rhode Island Freewill Baptist Pulpit," "The Support of the Ministry," "Memorials of the Free Communion Baptists."
Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools f...
Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools for Lawrence, Mass., and for West Virginia, president of the Northwestern and West Virginia Colleges, principal of Nebraska State Normal School, and member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. He was editor/publisher of the Freewill Baptist Quarterly, and is the author of "The Rhode Island Freewill Baptist Pulpit," "The Support of the Ministry," "Memorials of the Free Communion Baptists."
Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools f...
For 60 years I have been preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the beginning days my sermons where short because I knew very little about the Bible at that time. My first college, Hendrix College, a United Methodist college, Dr. James Upton who was not only my mentor but professor in my Pulpit Speaking and Homiletic classes, taught me how to manuscript sermons. This was probably one of the best things I ever did in sermon preparation. It helped me to organize the thoughts that God had directed me to in studying His word and in the presentation. And Free Will Baptists, whose love...
For 60 years I have been preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the beginning days my sermons where short because I knew very little about ...
For years I have collected and written the sayings and quotes found on church signs or books and section One has hundreds that can be use for bulletins, quotes or church signage. Section Two has church photos and their signs. Likewise, I enjoy old tombstone sayings, especially the funny ones and have included many in section Three.
For years I have collected and written the sayings and quotes found on church signs or books and section One has hundreds that can be use for bulletin...
Few have walked across the landscape of our denomination and left such indelible footprints as Dr. Alton Loveless. His broad range of experience and multi-faceted ministry has had a profound impact on many lives. Even in retirement he continues to encourage others and contribute to the legacy of Free Will Baptists. Thank you, Dr. Loveless, for your faithfulness and commitment to Christ and His church.
Few have walked across the landscape of our denomination and left such indelible footprints as Dr. Alton Loveless. His broad range of experience and m...
This book represents all that were part of the Free Will Baptist movement, consisting of the Palmer (south), Randall (north) and others such as the Stone, John-Thomas, John Wheeler Assns., NC OFWB and more. Many of the photos are poor quality, but it was all I could find. Likewise, I do not have photos or tombstones for many of them. The information about these ministers were all that was available to me or found in archives. I made every effort to include those for which they would be remembered. Some I had no information, but research had shown they were of our denomination
This book represents all that were part of the Free Will Baptist movement, consisting of the Palmer (south), Randall (north) and others such as the St...
This book represents all that were part of the Free Will Baptist movement, consisting of the Palmer (south), Randall (north) and others such as the Stone, John-Thomas, John Wheeler Assns., NC OFWB and more. Many of the photos are poor quality, but it was all I could find. Likewise, I do not have photos or tombstones for many of them. The information about these ministers were all that was available to me or found in archives. I made every effort to include those for which they would be remembered. Some I had no information, but research had shown they were of our denomination
This book represents all that were part of the Free Will Baptist movement, consisting of the Palmer (south), Randall (north) and others such as the St...