Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools for Lawrence, Mass., and for West Virginia, president of the Northwestern and West Virginia Colleges, principal of Nebraska State Normal School, and member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. He was editor/publisher of the Freewill Baptist Quarterly, and is the author of "The Rhode Island Freewill Baptist Pulpit," "The Support of the Ministry," "Memorials of the Free Communion Baptists."
Williams, Rev. Alvin Dighton, D. D., was born Oct. 13, 1825, graduated at Hamilton College, New York, in 1849. He has been superintendent of schools f...
The following work contains brief biographical sketches of some of the ministers who have labored in connection with the Rhode Island Quarterly Meetings of Freewill Baptists, and as far as practicable a sermon from each.
The following work contains brief biographical sketches of some of the ministers who have labored in connection with the Rhode Island Quarterly Meetin...