Amy Fletcher is a skilled Psychic, but her profession hasn't been easy, since she was raised by strict, religious parents who disapproved of her talents. But troubled spirits do not stay silent, and Amy's calling is one she follows with her whole heart. Responding to a frantic call from her closest friend, Amy travels across country to help solve a haunting at the Dandelion Care Home. She unwittingly finds herself being the victim of intrigue, a romance cloaked in deception, and attempted murder. After meeting the home's owner, Mrs. Dorothy "Cruella" Green, whose nickname was well-earned, Amy...
Amy Fletcher is a skilled Psychic, but her profession hasn't been easy, since she was raised by strict, religious parents who disapproved of her talen...
Amy Fletcher is a skilled Psychic, but her profession hasn't been easy, since she was raised by strict, religious parents who disapproved of her talents. But troubled spirits do not stay silent, and Amy's calling is one she follows with her whole heart. Responding to a frantic call from her closest friend, Amy travels across country to help solve a haunting at the Dandelion Care Home. She unwittingly finds herself being the victim of intrigue, a romance cloaked in deception, and attempted murder. After meeting the home's owner, Mrs. Dorothy "Cruella" Green, whose nickname was well-earned, Amy...
Amy Fletcher is a skilled Psychic, but her profession hasn't been easy, since she was raised by strict, religious parents who disapproved of her talen...