Simply Sailing is the story of a young couple who sold their house, cars, and everything that wouldn't fit on a 34-foot sailboat, resigned from their jobs, and with three young sons, set off on a life of adventure. What they discovered will delight, entertain, and inspire readers to chase their own dreams, to find a solution to the problems that are holding them back, and to finally live. The McBrides show by example how easily one can eliminate stress, become more independent, spend more time with your children, and avoid the traps of commercialism. By simplifying their lives and taking an...
Simply Sailing is the story of a young couple who sold their house, cars, and everything that wouldn't fit on a 34-foot sailboat, resigned from their ...
My Boat Lists is a comprehensive reference guide designed to assist the reader in "sailing away" making the experience accessible and enjoyable for all, and proving once again that you don't have to wait until you retire to start adventuring. My Boat Lists draws from the author's 10 years of living aboard and 15 years of sailing experience, offering lists of tips and how-to advice in addition to the more traditional lists of basic necessities onboard any cruising vessel. There are lists of websites and resources to help the dreamer find the perfect boat. Those in the process of preparing for...
My Boat Lists is a comprehensive reference guide designed to assist the reader in "sailing away" making the experience accessible and enjoyable for al...
History is not dead, it lives on the Geiger farm. The Model T that Alfred Geiger's father bought new in 1919 waits in the barn for the fall cane grinding when the fifth generation of Geigers will ride in it. The 2,000-egg kerosene incubator, hand-cranked dough mixer, and 90-year old cypress boats fill the sheep shed and chicken houses. More than a biography, The Path to Now is a history book dating back to the Mayflower, centered around the lives of Al's family, with stories told as he heard them around the dinner table. It includes personal memories of Alfred Geiger's 85 years, from his...
History is not dead, it lives on the Geiger farm. The Model T that Alfred Geiger's father bought new in 1919 waits in the barn for the fall cane grind...