The physical processes which initiate and maintain motion have been a major concern of serious investigation throughout the evolution of scientific thought. As early as the fifth century B. C. questions regarding motion were presented as touchstones for the most fundamental concepts about existence. Such wide ranging philosophical issues are beyond the scope of this book, however, consider the paradox of the flying arrow attri buted to Zeno of Elea: An arrow is shot from point A to point B requiring a sequence of time instants to traverse the distance. Now, for any time instant, T, of the...
The physical processes which initiate and maintain motion have been a major concern of serious investigation throughout the evolution of scientific th...
During the late 1960s and the 1970s, behavioral applications expanded from individual programs and institutional projects to a wide variety of community problems and settings. These developments prompted the organization of an international conference on behavior modification in the community that was held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in July of 1976. Many of the presenters at that conference described original be- havioral programs in a variety of community settings that have not been published elsewhere. This book was prompted by that conference. Its purposes are to describe the updated...
During the late 1960s and the 1970s, behavioral applications expanded from individual programs and institutional projects to a wide variety of communi...
A number of apparently unrelated phenomena in biological systems (e.g., biopolymer aggregation, cell-cell interactions, ion transport across membranes) arise from the special properties of charged surfaces. A sym posium entitled "Electrical Double Layers in Biology," which took place at the Toronto meeting of the Electrochemical Society, 12-17 May 1985, focused on the common features of these phenomena. The papers presented at that symposium are collected here and they illustrate ways in which an under standing of electrical double layers can elucidate a problem in Biology. An example of this...
A number of apparently unrelated phenomena in biological systems (e.g., biopolymer aggregation, cell-cell interactions, ion transport across membranes...