The Star of Bethlehem: The New Evidence builds a compelling case for the authenticity of the event mentioned in the Gospels which accompanied the birth of Jesus. Building on the work of modern historians, astronomers and scripture scholars, the author pieces together the startling events in the night sky from September 3 B.C. (the Conception) to June 2 B.C. (the Nativity) to show the reality of this heavenly event. The author carefully weaves in the historical and scriptural information to build the case that the hand of God so ordered the events of the sky, in an unfathomable way, to...
The Star of Bethlehem: The New Evidence builds a compelling case for the authenticity of the event mentioned in the Gospels which accompanied the birt...
AVANCE: La Sabana Santa: El Caso de la Autenticidad es un estudio cientifico e historico actualizado de los lienzos venerados en el Cristianismo: El Santo Sudario de Turin y el Sudarium Christi (Lienzo Facial que estaba doblado a un lado en la Tumba). El autor, un investigador del Santo Sudario por 35 anos, proporciona una evaluacion detallada para apoyar la autenticidad de estos lienzos. Vea para mas informacion."
AVANCE: La Sabana Santa: El Caso de la Autenticidad es un estudio cientifico e historico actualizado de los lienzos venerados en el Cristianismo: El S...