In Cold Blood. When the apocalypse roared in, it took the mettle of a desperate coalition to hold it back. Forged in the war against the undead, hammered by the demand of their own survivors, and wrought on the backs of a thousand thousand slaves, this axis is the largest bastion of what could still be called civilization left in the wastes. And while the fuel may be tainted with blood, the trains still run on time. Welcome to the Iron Works, the industrial megalopolis which now rings the Great Lake. Trains and highways can speed you from the music and mechanical mayhem of Motor City, to the...
In Cold Blood. When the apocalypse roared in, it took the mettle of a desperate coalition to hold it back. Forged in the war against the undead, hamme...
The Dead Men and the Sea They say the sea has the longest memory. That she holds all tales deep within her, hidden, secret and silent. The stories of the world before the Fall, torn away like pages from a diary. That's a load of bull. In this wasted world, even the water is an unquiet grave. And on the wide Rum Coast, she's spilled the Full Dead; genteel monsters who know all of the secrets of the World that was... if only they could remember them. On her heaving waves, she ferries the Salt Wise, those who tried to leave the diseased land behind, and almost succeeded. And on the broad and...
The Dead Men and the Sea They say the sea has the longest memory. That she holds all tales deep within her, hidden, secret and silent. The stories of ...