Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) commonly grown in rabi season (October-November), contribute 28.60% in total production of oilseed. The crop is prone to various diseases, amongst them Alternaria brassicae causing blight is more devastating in decreasing the production. It also affects of quality of seed by reducing its size, colour and oil content. Pathogen survives in infected plant debris throughout year stored at room temperature and refrigerated condition. Extract of Syperus rotundus and piper nigrum most effective in reducing the mycelia growth of fungus. Since use of fungicides,...
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) commonly grown in rabi season (October-November), contribute 28.60% in total production of oilseed. The crop is prone...
Amongst various factors responsible for lowering down the yield of rapeseed-mustard, blight caused by Alternaria brassicae (Berk) Sacc. and Alternaria brassicicola (Schw.) Wiltshire is of greate importance. Blight symptoms appear as dark brown lesions with concentric rings in centre on leaves. Lesions on stem and pods are elongated and infected pods produce small, discoloured and shriveled seeds. Genotypes and fungicides play an important role in management of this disease. Plant extracts tested in present study inhibeted the fungal mycelial growth in between 48.90 to 77.80% at 10%...
Amongst various factors responsible for lowering down the yield of rapeseed-mustard, blight caused by Alternaria brassicae (Berk) Sacc. and Alternaria...