The August front cover features an iconic rhino viewing safari scene from the image bank of South African Tourism. An appropriate image considering the rhino horn trade debate featured in this edition, which includes a Statement by the South African Department of Environmental Affairs, a summary on the OSCAP (rhino) Conference, and an opinion piece by the late Brian Sandberg, titled 'A Litmus Test for Environmental Governance'. (Read these articles on pages 27 to 31). In the Attractions section of this edition, we feature Cape Town's V&A Waterfront (page 08), and profile the artists of...
The August front cover features an iconic rhino viewing safari scene from the image bank of South African Tourism. An appropriate image considering th...
With October being synonymous with beer, primarily due to the Oktoberfest, which is celebrated not just in Munich, Germany but worldwide, we thought it appropriate to dedicate this edition to the world's favourite tipple (after water and tea). Beer is a uniquely sociable beverage and has been at the heart of social occasions and celebrations for millennia. South African Breweries (SAB) is supportive of the craft beer movement and has been instrumental in the growth of this industry through its supply of raw materials and expertise to the microbreweries. SAB were the first major sponsor of...
With October being synonymous with beer, primarily due to the Oktoberfest, which is celebrated not just in Munich, Germany but worldwide, we thought i...
This edition of Tourism Tattler is dedicated to the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA). Aimed at increasing the number of graded establishments, a new initiative aptly termed the 'Basket of Benefits' or 'BoB' has been launched via a dedicated website, which is loaded with incredibly useful tools and information at BoB provides graded establishments with a wide range of pre-negotiated supplier discount deals, new business lead generation, business and legal advice, employee recruitment, and your very own personal assistant, to name but a few of the...
This edition of Tourism Tattler is dedicated to the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA). Aimed at increasing the number of graded establis...
Desmond Langkilde Adv Louis Nel Jean Francois Mourier
Operating a successful tourism enterprise is like fitting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together without a reference - you only get to see part of the bigger picture as each of the pieces fall into place. In the March edition of Tourism Tattler, we provide a few pieces of knowledge, that we hope will help fill the blank pieces in your puzzle. But remember the wise words of Confucius: "He who learns but does not think, is lost He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."
Operating a successful tourism enterprise is like fitting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together without a reference - you only get to see part of the...
Our April cover depicts the restored Slave Bell at Spier Wine Farm, which was built by Van der Byl in 1825. Spier is one of the oldest wine farms in South Africa with a recorded history dating back to 1692. Besides its historical significance and award winning wines, there is so much more to experience at Spier. In this edition, we review Spier's Conference and Event facilities (see pages 16-18). As usual, our content is free to distribute and I encourage you to share and comment on articles published on our website - you may just win a Dietz Monarch Hurricane Lantern for taking the time to...
Our April cover depicts the restored Slave Bell at Spier Wine Farm, which was built by Van der Byl in 1825. Spier is one of the oldest wine farms in S...
Our cover for May features Hotel Verde Cape Town - 'Africa's Greenest Hotel' - for a while anyway. Because the hotel's owner, Mario Delicio and his industrious team have just launched Verde Hotels - a hospitality solutions group that aims to establish 'Greenest Hotels' in countries throughout Africa, and abroad.
Our cover for May features Hotel Verde Cape Town - 'Africa's Greenest Hotel' - for a while anyway. Because the hotel's owner, Mario Delicio and his in...