Environmental education is life long process with the objectives of importing to its target group in the formal and non formal education sectors environmental awareness ecological knowledge, attitude values commitment for actions and ethical responsibilities for rational use of resources and for sound & sustainable development. Environmental education emphasis the teaching of the holistic nature of environment through interdisciplinary and problem solving approaches. The primary school is the natural place to introduce children to environmental education, since at this level they...
Environmental education is life long process with the objectives of importing to its target group in the formal and non formal education sectors envir...
Sleep apnea is one of the common upper respiratory disease.It is of 3 types- central, mixed, obstructive. The main symptoms are tiredness, lack of concentration, anxiety, snoring etc which can further lead to following consequences; road traffic accidents, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and death.Diagnosis can be done by both general practitioner as well as dentist.The treatment modality include change in life style, oxygen and drug therapy, mechanical ventilation by Continuous positive airway pressure therapy Surgeries like hyoid suspension surgery and dental management by appliances...
Sleep apnea is one of the common upper respiratory disease.It is of 3 types- central, mixed, obstructive. The main symptoms are tiredness, lack of con...