A magical fairy tale adventure for children ages 5 to 10. Sophie is an ordinary 10-year-old schoolgirl who goes on a mythical quest to find a Unicorn's missing wings. With the help of her imaginary friend Guinevere, they travel through a portal under Sophie's bed to a magical land. There, they meet Vera (an alien girl with one eye) and LaLa (a giant female squirrel) who help the girls face 5 challenges and collect 5 gold keys. Only one of these keys will open the treasure chest that holds the Unicorn's wings. But the treasure chest is guarded by a wicked witch, at the top of a tall tower who...
A magical fairy tale adventure for children ages 5 to 10. Sophie is an ordinary 10-year-old schoolgirl who goes on a mythical quest to find a Unicorn'...
This charming rhyming story tells the legend of The Children of Lir, who were turned into swans by their wicked stepmother and forced to wander across Ireland for 900 years.
This charming rhyming story tells the legend of The Children of Lir, who were turned into swans by their wicked stepmother and forced to wander across...