If you are still breathing, have a heartbeat, not a narcissistic soul sucking vampire, douche-bag or gutter tramp... you need this book Male or Female, if you believe in love, want an unimaginable romance and mind blowing sex... you need this book There are 96.6 million people single and lonely in America. That equates to 43% of the entire population. With numbers that high, it's obvious that something has gone horribly wrong in society. Those truly seeking the love of his or her life need throw out everything they've read or been told in the past. Those typical relationship concepts are...
If you are still breathing, have a heartbeat, not a narcissistic soul sucking vampire, douche-bag or gutter tramp... you need this book Male or Femal...
Throughout the ages, science and religion have clashed. Each side diligently works to discredit the other which keeps them in a constant state disagreement. Both sides are stubborn and blind. However, this feud is insignificant to the real root of what has been taking place for centuries. With an open mind and eyes that are not fogged up from an instilled belief, the two can be united. Using modern technology and the information available to anyone at their fingertips, the proof is easily found that explains the mysteries of religion and science. There is a hidden truth to biblical history...
Throughout the ages, science and religion have clashed. Each side diligently works to discredit the other which keeps them in a constant state disagre...
Throughout the past six decades, Surfers have been falsely given a bad reputation that stems mainly from fictional movies. They are portrayed as lazy, weed smoking, hippy, free-loaders with no ambition in life other than surfing. That is not the case. What outsiders do not realize is Surfers have a unique and spiritual connection with the Earth and Mother Nature. Once it's in the blood, it grabs hold of the soul and never let's go of it. It changes a person, and in most cases, in a positive fashion. Before Steven K Craig was an author, a world famous artist or known for being a co-creator of...
Throughout the past six decades, Surfers have been falsely given a bad reputation that stems mainly from fictional movies. They are portrayed as lazy,...
The best present a woman can give herself is bestowing this book upon her guy. Every man on the face of the planet should own this book, brothers, uncles, fathers, cousins, and the douche bag next door would all benefit from it. This is an excellent book for all men - single or in a relationship and can turn any man into a Casanova. There is much to learn from the satirical content inside that is way too much to list here; a cookbook that is naughty, entertaining with recipes such as the Longfellow Frankenweiner and Peruvian Panty Peeler. Not only will he be able to impress the toughest...
The best present a woman can give herself is bestowing this book upon her guy. Every man on the face of the planet should own this book, brothers, unc...