Teach your child to dream BIG and go after their dreams. From the #1 best seller author of "Sparkly Me." When Sarah finds something growing up from the ground, that looks like a pencil, she gets very curious and excited. Is it really just an ordinary pencil? Find out what happens when she begins to draw. The adventures are about to begin. If you are a parent of children ages 4-8 add this book to your cart now . Five stars reviews "This book develops the mind and imagination with instructive lesson for life" "Great fun reading this book. I have a feeling this is a book we will be asked to read...
Teach your child to dream BIG and go after their dreams. From the #1 best seller author of "Sparkly Me." When Sarah finds something growing up from th...
Lee este libro GRATIS como parte de tu membresia PRIME o Kindle UNLIMITED. Ensena a tu hijo a sonar en GRANDE y que persiga sus suenos. Cuando Sarah encuentra algo que esta creciendo en la tierra, que parece un lapiz, le da mucha curiosidad y se emociona. Se trata de un lapiz comun y corriente? Averigua que pasa cuando comienza a dibujar. La aventura esta por comenzar."
Lee este libro GRATIS como parte de tu membresia PRIME o Kindle UNLIMITED. Ensena a tu hijo a sonar en GRANDE y que persiga sus suenos. Cuando Sarah e...