The best self-defense technique you will ever learn in your life consists in avoiding danger, but before that you will need to recognize it and be ahead of the events when they occur. The author of this book has coached many self-defense instructors, security guards, and police officers, as well as spies, in understanding the elements that compose the criminal behavior. This is a book based on such theory, and directed towards the analysis such behavior and thinking structure. In this book you will obtain knowledge that is unknown to the majority of the martial art Instructors, knowledge that...
The best self-defense technique you will ever learn in your life consists in avoiding danger, but before that you will need to recognize it and be ahe...
Movies have popularized some of the most famous martial arts in modern days, but are they really related to real life survival when it comes to espionage? A spy must fight for survival in the quickest way he can and, for this reason, strategies tend to be more important than techniques when it comes to escaping alive, especially when you intend to avoid fights and not enter them. Although taking into account strategies to fight in a dangerous environment, this is a book created to be used by people dealing with criminality in a daily basis and for self-defense purposes only. You will learn...
Movies have popularized some of the most famous martial arts in modern days, but are they really related to real life survival when it comes to espion...
Many people have wished or dreamed about the possibility of doing espionage, and movies surely stimulate such desire. But my experience of living in some of the worst neighborhoods in the world left me with little desire to ever be in such situation again. However, there are many forms of espionage in our modern world, and not just the types that we often see in movies. Among those, we have the ones we're forced to learn, in order to find evidences against a cheating partner, or to protect ourselves when someone is investigating our private life. Nobody is immune to such needs, unless we...
Many people have wished or dreamed about the possibility of doing espionage, and movies surely stimulate such desire. But my experience of living in s...