Con el presente trabajo los lectores podran obtener una vision de los motivos y tipos folcloricos comunes tanto a Galicia como Asturias, gracias a un analisis de los sustratos celticos que imperan en ambas regiones hispanas. Motivados por el deseo de bucear en el inconsciente colectivo hallaran creencias particulares de la mitologia indoeuropea, y no solo desarrollos conceptuales sino tambien ejemplos de leyendas recopiladas por folcloristas y estudios comparativos entre las varias naciones celtas segun propias perspectivas del autor. Mas que un trabajo teorico se trata de una invitacion al...
Con el presente trabajo los lectores podran obtener una vision de los motivos y tipos folcloricos comunes tanto a Galicia como Asturias, gracias a un ...
Trees are common archetypes among all cultures around the world. In fact, Sacred Trees are found not only in the Celtic one but also in the Norse, Hindu, and Egyptian, to name a few... Even on Christian traditions we can certainly trace the questionable (so called) "pagan" origins of the Christmas tree, a symbolism in unison with the evergreen trees of the eternal life. Celts had a strong worship of nature sprites, and trees were primarily believed to be the residence of these regent spirits or divinities. Being in fact, a Celtic religion belief accepted nowadays as relatively certain, such...
Trees are common archetypes among all cultures around the world. In fact, Sacred Trees are found not only in the Celtic one but also in the Norse, Hin...
Have yo ever stopped for a while and caught attention of our relationship with our environment.? Have you ever perceived the beauty of trees while walking through a park, or even felt excited by the scented beauty of a butterfly upon a flower?. If you did so, you will certainly be aware of how nature may take influence on our health, energies, and human emotions. We realize of our deep connection with Earth, and as we balance our relationship with our ecosystem, we take notice we should become protectors of Nature and all her creatures. I wrote this book from a Celtic point of view, honoring...
Have yo ever stopped for a while and caught attention of our relationship with our environment.? Have you ever perceived the beauty of trees while wal...