This document was developed by the Information Sharing and Technical Assistance Branch of the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) Program as a primary reference for implementing biometric standards requirements for US-VISIT systems. It provides a baseline for implementing new and improved biometric technologies, capabilities, and services, with the aim of promoting and achieving maximum stakeholder interoperability. The information in this document will support the development of US-VISIT data-sharing agreements with other U.S. Government agencies and...
This document was developed by the Information Sharing and Technical Assistance Branch of the United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Tec...
The legacy Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) developed IDENT in 1994 as a law enforcement system for collecting and processing biometrics. In 2004, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) established the U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) Program as the first large-scale biometric identification program to support immigration and border management. IDENT has evolved over the years into the central DHS-wide system for the storage and processing of biometric data. IDENT stores and processes biometric data-digital fingerprints, photographs, iris scans,...
The legacy Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) developed IDENT in 1994 as a law enforcement system for collecting and processing biometrics. ...
ICE-CETS is owned and managed by the Child Exploitation Section within the ICE Office of Investigations, Cyber Crimes Center. The ICE-CETS database contains investigative information related to Internet-facilitated child sexual exploitation crimes, to include but not limited to the possession, distribution and manufacturing of child exploitation images and videos (i.e., child pornography) and child sex tourism. The primary purpose of the system is to consolidate tips related to these crimes into a single database; to track, link, and disambiguate the tips; and to prioritize and refer them to...
ICE-CETS is owned and managed by the Child Exploitation Section within the ICE Office of Investigations, Cyber Crimes Center. The ICE-CETS database co...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats it faces. The DHS vision is to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards. These overarching goals are the basis for the IT mission and IT vision set forth in this document; the strategies and actions of the DHS CIO community are rooted in and aligned with the founding principles and highest priorities of Homeland Security. The DHS IT Strategic Plan 2015-2018 reflects our rapidly-changing IT environment and evolving mission and business...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats it faces. The DHS vision is to ensure a home...
Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General Penny Hill Press
This report addresses the efficacy of the Department of Homeland Security's management and oversight of its components to ensure that personnel are sufficiently safeguarding and controlling firearms. It is based on interviews with employees and officials of relevant agencies and institutions, direct observations, and a review of applicable documents.
This report addresses the efficacy of the Department of Homeland Security's management and oversight of its components to ensure that personnel are su...
Following April 2012 media reports regarding the death of an undocumented immigrant while in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in May 2010, Senator Robert Menendez and 15 members of Congress requested that we review the use of force within CBP. We reviewed allegations of the use of excessive force by CBP employees and determined what reforms CBP has implemented. We also examined what effect adding more agents and officers to the workforce has had on training and professionalism. We are making three recommendations. CBP should work with U.S. Immigration and Customs...
Following April 2012 media reports regarding the death of an undocumented immigrant while in the custody of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) i...
Department of Homeland Security Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Penny Hill Press
1.The purpose of the practice exams is not to give hints on the actual exam, but to help students learn how to apply legal principles in a factual situation. 2. This practice exam may not address all the EPOs you are responsible for, or all the materials you must know to master an EPO. The student is responsible for knowing and mastering the EPOs. 3. These questions may be harder or easier than the exam. 4. Students will find reviewing the answers - even the incorrect ones - will help them master the principles.
1.The purpose of the practice exams is not to give hints on the actual exam, but to help students learn how to apply legal principles in a factual sit...