This is a short story collection published in prestigious magazines like parab, shabdsrushti, navneet samarpan, uddesh, Gujarat deepotsvai, akhand aannad etc.. All stories are really heart touching on diffrent subjects. This book is already awarded by Gujarati Sahitya parishad as best book of the year 2010. Gurajar prakashan has already published this book.Now it comes thro Amazon for my USA and UK readers . I am sure you will love to read all stories.
This is a short story collection published in prestigious magazines like parab, shabdsrushti, navneet samarpan, uddesh, Gujarat deepotsvai, akhand aan...
A beautiful diary written by a mother from the day her daughter enters her courtship period till she is well into her married life. The pages of this diary make a treasure trove of precious feelings, tips, and experiences. Letters written by a mother.... Coming straight from her heart mesmerizing the readers and touching their very soul with true feelings of love and family bonding.
A beautiful diary written by a mother from the day her daughter enters her courtship period till she is well into her married life. The pages of this ...
Zilmil is a short touchy novel written in a diary form.Its an autobiography of a child whose parants are of different religion and rigid about their own religion.
Zilmil is a short touchy novel written in a diary form.Its an autobiography of a child whose parants are of different religion and rigid about their o...