In the super charged second installment, Cloner "Legend of the Ghost" we follow the ongoing story of the diabolical Teage Miller. Picking up the action where Company Asset "The story of Me" left off times ten tousand So enjoy every twist and turn of the latest tale of Teage as he thrives in the World of his own creation, while trying to pull a nagging thorn out of his side.
In the super charged second installment, Cloner "Legend of the Ghost" we follow the ongoing story of the diabolical Teage Miller. Picking up the actio...
Terry T. Turner, native of Nashville, Tennessee, is thrilled to end Teage's tale on such a high note for the Monster and his boys. Bringing this trilogy full circle starting with Company Asset "The Story of Me" where you first meet this ordinary man, dare I say? To Cloner "Legend of the Ghost" which allows you follow the interesting life of Teage and his countless clones doing good and bad wherever he goes. And ending with Monsters "On the Razor's Edge" where we get to watch the power of Teage and his army as they decimate all who appose them with such a unique style, it'll leave you wanting...
Terry T. Turner, native of Nashville, Tennessee, is thrilled to end Teage's tale on such a high note for the Monster and his boys. Bringing this trilo...
Author Terry T. Turner is proud to present to you his next amazing tale. A tale that follows a cast of different and unique characters through their many journeys in the supernatural city of New Orleans while trying to avoid Tremblay's wrath.
Author Terry T. Turner is proud to present to you his next amazing tale. A tale that follows a cast of different and unique characters through their m...