The Romantic Egotist"-the novel centers on Amory Blaine, a young Midwesterner who, convinced that he has an exceptionally promising future, attends boarding school and later Princeton University. He leaves behind his eccentric mother Beatrice and befriends a close friend of hers, Monsignor Darcy. While at Princeton he goes back to Minneapolis where he re-encounters Isabelle Borge, a young lady whom he met as a little boy and starts a romantic relationship with her, but after a few days he becomes disillusioned by her and returns to Princeton."
The Romantic Egotist"-the novel centers on Amory Blaine, a young Midwesterner who, convinced that he has an exceptionally promising future, attends bo...
"I won't kiss you. It might get to be a habit and I can't get rid of habits." --- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Flappers and Philosophers Flappers and Philosophers is the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1920. It includes eight stories: "The Offshore Pirate" "The Ice Palace" "Head and Shoulders" "The Cut-Glass Bowl" "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" "Benediction" "Dalyrimple Goes Wrong" "The Four Fists"
"I won't kiss you. It might get to be a habit and I can't get rid of habits." --- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Flappers and Philosophers Flappe...
This Side of Paradise is the debut novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Published in 1920, and taking its title from a line of the Rupert Brooke poem Tiare Tahiti, the book examines the lives and morality of post-World War I youth. Its protagonist, Amory Blaine, is an attractive Princeton University student who dabbles in literature. The novel explores the theme of love warped by greed and status-seeking.
This Side of Paradise is the debut novel of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Published in 1920, and taking its title from a line of the Rupert Brooke poem Tiare T...
Flappers and Philosophers is the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1920. It includes eight stories: "The Offshore Pirate" "The Ice Palace" "Head and Shoulders" "The Cut-Glass Bowl" "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" "Benediction" "Dalyrimple Goes Wrong" "The Four Fists"
Flappers and Philosophers is the first collection of short stories written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1920. It includes eight stories: "The ...
In 1860 Baltimore, Benjamin is born with the physical appearance of a 70-year-old man, already capable of speech. At five, Benjamin is sent to kindergarten but has to be quickly withdrawn after he repeatedly falls asleep during child activities. When Benjamin turns 12, the Button family realizes that their son is aging backwards.... F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous story is the basis for the motion picture late in 2008 starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett and directed by David Fincher.
In 1860 Baltimore, Benjamin is born with the physical appearance of a 70-year-old man, already capable of speech. At five, Benjamin is sent to kinderg...