Newly updated with info on the blood moons In Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 17, 21 Jesus tells the followers about a time when the world will be in chaos with wars, famines, disease, tsunamis, earthquakes, persecution of Christians and Jews, lack of love, lack of interest in the church, cosmological chaos, and so forth. This time period is described as being like birth pangs which get stronger and closer together as the time draws near. We are already experiencing the beginnings of trouble, with nation coming against nation, and land against land: with a great lack of food, and deadly...
Newly updated with info on the blood moons In Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 17, 21 Jesus tells the followers about a time when the world will be in cha...
From basic gardening skills to building a log cabin, Kimberly Hartfield gives you a glance at living skills that may be needed in a crisis event, such as long term unemployment, natural disasters, war, etc. After living through Hurricane Katrina, and being virtually unemployed for several years, Kimberly believes it is necessary to be able to provide for our families, even when grocery stores are closed and access to needed items are not being provided by government intervention. Kimberly gives you a basic introduction to and overview of gardening skills, raising rabbits and chickens for meat...
From basic gardening skills to building a log cabin, Kimberly Hartfield gives you a glance at living skills that may be needed in a crisis event, such...
A Nostalgic collection of Christmas poetry, a short story, and family recipes of Mama Heartfilled, mother of eight and grandmother of four, along with a paraphrase of the Christmas Story of the birth of Jesus. Includes a traditional southern Thanksgiving and Christmas Menu with all the recipes plus a few extras with all new pictures. Holiday dinners have always been a labor of love for Mama Heartfilled. Merry Christmas everyone
A Nostalgic collection of Christmas poetry, a short story, and family recipes of Mama Heartfilled, mother of eight and grandmother of four, along with...