Latest release October, 21 2016 - How did the Y'sra'elites live? What form of marriages did they practice and how did they do it? This book is about to show you what was G-d's design from the beginning and how the Y'sra'elites lived within G-d's required parameters. Today these things appear mythological but here we show you the methods and ways of how this lifestyle was practiced and is being restored in these last days while the much touted monogamy is wrecking lives and destroying families and society around us. How many marriages are breaking down as a result of the wrong model? How many...
Latest release October, 21 2016 - How did the Y'sra'elites live? What form of marriages did they practice and how did they do it? This book is about t...
Updated 9, July 2015 - The books of Enoch details the fall, the names of the angels, what happened in the beginning and what was the result of those fallen angels. Where are they now and what will happen to them. He also reveals the birth of Noakh and some very important details around this about the African ancestry of the patriarchs. And many other important details to complete your knowledge.
Updated 9, July 2015 - The books of Enoch details the fall, the names of the angels, what happened in the beginning and what was the result of those f...
Revised: 19, Dec 2016; The book of Yashar has been translated from the original sources and with added commentary, corrected names of Elohim with the sacred names and with other missing text from the Hebrew. This will add to the gaps in your knowledge from the book of Genesis such as the following: - What did the wicked do before the flood? - Who were Abraham's African ancestors? - Did Abraham have two wives? - What relationship did Abraham have with Eli'ezer? - Did Isaac wait forty years to be married? - Why did Sarah die so suddenly? - Did Moses marry in Egypt? - Moses, what colour? White...
Revised: 19, Dec 2016; The book of Yashar has been translated from the original sources and with added commentary, corrected names of Elohim with the ...
Revised 08, Jan 2017...Have you ever tried praying and find that either your prayers take very long time to answer or they don't get answered at all? In frustration you ask other friends to pray for you in hope that you may get an answer from G-d soon. I have given considerable thought about the condition of our people and how many languish in poverty, in situations where they seek for help because they are given false dogmas, put in religious bondage and slavery of the mind and heart. Many times they make their own lives harder because they have spent so much time in the nations that they...
Revised 08, Jan 2017...Have you ever tried praying and find that either your prayers take very long time to answer or they don't get answered at all? ...