Most sports use statistics to evaluate skills. For example, basketball counts free throw attempts versus successes. In the pool and billiards cue sports, there is no clear system to statistically evaluate personal skills and abilities and those of other players. This book provides that objective evaluation system for pool and billiards players.
This is an objective evaluation system. Test groups include progressively difficult shots. A testing process determines your current skills. A log allows you to compare previous history to current abilities.
There are two levels of...
Most sports use statistics to evaluate skills. For example, basketball counts free throw attempts versus successes. In the pool and billiards cue s...
This book explains how pool hustlers use sharks to bend and break the idea of sportsmanship. Their tricks are exposed in detail - including specific instructions on how to respond.
Some of these sharking tricks are amateur hour only - commonly seen among bar-bangers and teenage shooters. The sophisticated and slick tricks are also described. These are all meant to be mental distractions designed to help you lose games and money.
To play competitive table billiards, it takes more than good pocketing and positioning skills. It takes a keen awareness of your opponent and...
This book explains how pool hustlers use sharks to bend and break the idea of sportsmanship. Their tricks are exposed in detail - including specifi...
Biliardo enigmi. Ogni pagina di questo libro mostra come imprimere una precisa velocita alla biglia battente per ottenerne il perfetto posizionamento al termine della sua corsa. In ogni situazione e mostrata la corretta velocita e l'effetto da dare alla biglia battente per ottenere un perfetto posizionamento relative alla successiva biglia da colpire.
In questo modo sarete in grado di elaborare le giuste strategie di gioco. Grazie a queste nuove conoscenze vincerete molte piu partite.
Each table layout provides the precise skill necessary for perfect position. All you...
Biliardo enigmi. Ogni pagina di questo libro mostra come imprimere una precisa velocita alla biglia battente per ottenerne il perfetto posizionamen...
Biliardo enigmi. Questo libro contiene centinaia di schemi di allenamento. Iniziate con esercizi facili per poi proseguire con esercizi piu difficili. Le vostre capacita miglioreranno mese dopo mese. Eseguite tutti gli esercizi e diventerete abili giocatori.
This training book has hundreds of different types of drills and exercises. Start with easy setups and then slowly move into the difficult shots. This will improve your abilities. Week to week, month to month, your skills and knowledge will improve. The more you practice, the sooner you will become an expert billiards...
Biliardo enigmi. Questo libro contiene centinaia di schemi di allenamento. Iniziate con esercizi facili per poi proseguire con esercizi piu diffici...
Biljart kopkrapper. Elke situasie in hierdie boek is 'n moeilike gemeenskaplike tafel probleem. Die basiese idee is eenvoudig. Voltooi die eerste bal. Voltooi dan die tweede bal. As jy 'n goeie biljarter, jou sukses met hierdie konfigurasies bewys dat jy is 'n ernstige mededinger. (Google Translate)
Hierdie boek is beskikbaar in die VSA ( en Europa (*.uk, *.fr, *.de, *.es, *.it).
Also see the author's Billiards Blog on the Billiard Gods web site.
Biljart kopkrapper. Elke situasie in hierdie boek is 'n moeilike gemeenskaplike tafel probleem. Die basiese idee is eenvoudig. Voltooi die eerste b...
Biljart kopkrapper. Elke situasie verduidelik die presiese vaardigheid wat nodig is vir die perfekte posisie. Daar is 'n verduideliking vir die korrekte wit spoed en spin. Hierdie boek leer jy die regte keuses en die regte besluite. Jou nuwe vaardighede en kennis help jy wen baie speletjies.
Hierdie boek is beskikbaar in die VSA ( en Europa (*.uk, *.fr, *.de, *.es, *.it).
Also see the author's Billiards Blog on the Billiard Gods web site.
Biljart kopkrapper. Elke situasie verduidelik die presiese vaardigheid wat nodig is vir die perfekte posisie. Daar is 'n verduideliking vir die kor...
Hierdie opleiding boek het honderde van verskillende tipes van bore en oefeninge. Begin met maklike setups en dan stadig beweeg in die moeilike skote. Dit sal jou vermoens te verbeter. Week na week, maand na maand, sal jou vaardighede en kennis te verbeter. Hoe meer jy oefen, hoe gouer sal jy 'n kenner biljart speler geword.
Hierdie boek is beskikbaar in die VSA ( en Europa (*.uk, *.fr, *.de, *.es, *.it).
Also see the author's Billiards Blog on the Billiard Gods web site.
Hierdie opleiding boek het honderde van verskillende tipes van bore en oefeninge. Begin met maklike setups en dan stadig beweeg in die moeilike sko...
This training book has hundreds of different types of drills and exercises. Start with easy setups and then slowly move into the difficult shots. This will improve your abilities. Week to week, month to month, your skills and knowledge will improve. The more you practice, the sooner you will become an expert billiards player.
This book is available in US ( and Europe (*.uk, *.fr, *.de, *.es, *.it).
Also see the author's Billiards Blog on the Billiard Gods web site.
This training book has hundreds of different types of drills and exercises. Start with easy setups and then slowly move into the difficult shots. T...
Denne uddannelse bog har hundredvis af forskellige typer af ovelser. Start med nemme opsaetninger og derefter langsomt bevaeger sig ind i de vanskelige skud. Dette vil forbedre dine evner. Uge til uge, maned til maned, vil dine faerdigheder og viden forbedres. Jo mere du traener, jo hurtigere vil du blive en ekspert billard spiller.
Denne bog er tilgaengelig i USA ( og Europa (*.uk, *.fr, *.de, *.es, *.it).
Also see the author's Billiards Blog on the Billiard Gods web site.
Denne uddannelse bog har hundredvis af forskellige typer af ovelser. Start med nemme opsaetninger og derefter langsomt bevaeger sig ind i de vanske...
Biljart puzzels. Elke situatie in dit boek is een moeilijk gemeenschappelijke tafel probleem. Het basisidee is eenvoudig. Voltooi de eerste bal. Vul dan de tweede bal. Als je een goede biljarter, uw succes met deze configuraties bewijzen dat je een serieuze concurrent.
Dit boek is verkrijgbaar in de VS ( en Europa (*.uk, *.fr, *.de, *.es, *.it).
Also see the author's Billiards Blog on the Billiard Gods web site.
Biljart puzzels. Elke situatie in dit boek is een moeilijk gemeenschappelijke tafel probleem. Het basisidee is eenvoudig. Voltooi de eerste bal. Vu...