Is it lawful, according to scripture to kill someone in order to defend yourself or someone else? What about the scripture that says "Thou shalt not kill?" How can a believer justify killing someone for self preservation? What about the preservation of others? At what point do the commandments "thou shalt not kill" combined with "love your neighbor as yourself" justify killing for any reason, including that of defense?
Is it lawful, according to scripture to kill someone in order to defend yourself or someone else? What about the scripture that says "Thou shalt not k...
Yahshua said, I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also. At the time of his death, the veil in the synagogue between the holy place, and the most holy place was torn in two. What does the synagogue have to do with heaven, and how does Yahshua's death on the cross change how we approach the throne of the most high? Find out about the place that is prepared for you in this detailed bible study that will take you through scripture from the tabernacle of the desert to the heavens in revelation
Yahshua said, I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also. At the time of his death, the veil in the synagogue between the...
What does the Bible have to say about relationships? Is it ok to have sex before marriage? What about after marriage... what does the bible say about the unfaithful spouse? What is the role of a wife? Of a husband? Relationships are not always smooth, and things don't always go as planned because each one of us has the freedom of choice. What is lawful, is not always expediant. Come along on a search for what the bible has to say regarding the pitfalls of relationships, and marriage, divorce and re-marriage Is your church teaching the truth? Find out now
What does the Bible have to say about relationships? Is it ok to have sex before marriage? What about after marriage... what does the bible say about ...