U. S. Department of Heal Huma Agency for Healthcare Resea An
The RTI International University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Evidence-based Practice Center (RTI UNC EPC) conducted a systematic review of the literature on issues of tobacco use, prevention, cessation, and control on behalf of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Medical Applications of Research (OMAR), through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). OMAR commissioned this review to summarize the available literature, frame the discussions regarding benefits and harms, and highlight the limitations of the entire evidence base for a State-of-the-Science (SOS)...
The RTI International University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Evidence-based Practice Center (RTI UNC EPC) conducted a systematic review of the li...
U. S. Department of Heal Huma Agency for Healthcare Resea An
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is most often the result of a trauma to the spinal cord, but can also be associated with congenital or degenerative disease. In the United States alone currently there are approximately a quarter million people with SCI. Every year, approximately 10,000 people in the United States survive an acute traumatic injury to the spinal cord. The majority of these people are male and under the age of 25. In addition to paralysis, persons with SCI will likely experience problems with bladder and bowel control, as well as alterations in sexual functioning. The impact of a SCI on...
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is most often the result of a trauma to the spinal cord, but can also be associated with congenital or degenerative disease. ...