Federal Emergency Management Agency U. S. Department of Homeland Security
Edition 2.0. This counterterrorism Job Aid is designed to assist emergency response personnel in identifying a possible terrorist/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) incident and implementing initial actions. It identifies both strategic and tactical considerations that should be assessed within the first hour of an incident, providing clear, step-by-step checklists The Job Aid is designed to assist the first responder from the fire, EMS, Hazmat, CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) and law enforcement disciplines who has already been trained in emergency response...
Edition 2.0. This counterterrorism Job Aid is designed to assist emergency response personnel in identifying a possible terrorist/Weapons of Mass Dest...
Throughout the United States, at any given time of year, there are festivals, concerts, fairs, sporting events, and many other large and small events that gather or have the potential to gather large crowds. Under normal conditions, these events go on with few or no problems. When something goes wrong, however, either as a result of a natural hazard or a manmade hazard, then local emergency management becomes involved. These mass gatherings are also potential targets for terrorists. Multiple deaths and injuries at large public events have occurred consistently and over a wide spectrum of...
Throughout the United States, at any given time of year, there are festivals, concerts, fairs, sporting events, and many other large and small events ...
When an organization moves away from a generations-long tradition of being all-male toward a future that includes men and women equally, a significant change takes place. Change can be upsetting and threatening to those who are used to, and invested in, the way things "have always been." Fire may know no gender, but people do, and the fire chief of the 1990's spends more time managing people than controlling fire. Increasing numbers of women are becoming firefighters and fire officers, entering and advancing in a field that is still heavily male by both population and tradition. Fire service...
When an organization moves away from a generations-long tradition of being all-male toward a future that includes men and women equally, a significant...
The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) is the official government source of information for civil users of the Global Positioning System (GPS). The Navigation Information Service (NIS) is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for all Radio Navigation and maritime related needs via phone, fax or e-mail. The NIS provides users the ability to access real time or archived GPS, NDGPS, DGPS, and LNM information at http: //www.navcen.uscg.gov, as well as subscribe to an automated list service which enables users to receive GPS status messages and Notice to NAVSTAR User (NANU)...
The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) is the official government source of information for civil users of the Global Positioning System (GPS...