National Aeronautics and Administration Jr. Laurence K. Loftin
More than 75 years have passed since the Wright brothers' historic first flight of a powered, heavier-than-air aircraft at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on December 17, 1903. During this relatively brief period, the airplane has developed from a useless freak to a highly significant force in modern society. The transformation of the airplane during this period must be ranked as one of the great engineering accomplishments of all time. The magnitude of the achievement is emphasized by the nature of the vehicle and the rigorous requirements for precise design of every element. In no other type of...
More than 75 years have passed since the Wright brothers' historic first flight of a powered, heavier-than-air aircraft at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina,...
National Aeronautics and Administration Andrey B. Sergeyevsky
Technical Memorandum 33-736 -This document is divided into three volumes. Volume I comprises the mission design data for Venus, Volume II the data for Mars, and Volume III the data for Jupiter. The purpose of this document is to provide a handbook, containing working data to be used in the selection and trajectory design of missions to Venus, Mars and Jupiter during the 1975-1990 time period. This publication presents mission design data for direct transfer trajectories from Earth to three planets - Venus, Mars and Jupiter, extending previously published information through the 1990 departure...
Technical Memorandum 33-736 -This document is divided into three volumes. Volume I comprises the mission design data for Venus, Volume II the data for...
National Aeronautics and Administration Andrey B. Sergeyevsky
Technical Memorandum 33-736 - This document is divided into three volumes. Volume I comprises the mission design data for Venus, Volume II the data for Mars, and Volume III the data for Jupiter. The purpose of this document is to provide a handbook, containing working data to be used in the selection and trajectory design of missions to Venus, Mars and Jupiter during the 1975-1990 time period. This document presents mission design data for direct transfer trajectories from Earth to three planets - Venus, Mars and Jupiter, extending previously published information through the 1990 departure...
Technical Memorandum 33-736 - This document is divided into three volumes. Volume I comprises the mission design data for Venus, Volume II the data fo...
National Aeronautics and Administration Andrey B. Sergeyevsky
Technical Memorandum 33-736 - This document is divided into three volumes. Volume I comprises the mission design data for Venus, Volume II the data for Mars, and Volume III the data for Jupiter. This document presents mission design data for direct transfer trajectories from Earth to three planets - Venus, Mars and Jupiter, extending previously published information through the 1990 departure opportunity. The primary purpose of this effort is to provide the mission analyst with graphical information, sufficient for preliminary mission design and evaluation. A specially modified version of the...
Technical Memorandum 33-736 - This document is divided into three volumes. Volume I comprises the mission design data for Venus, Volume II the data fo...
This publication contains graphical data necessary for the analysis of planetary exploration missions to Venus. Positional and geometric information spanning the time period from 1988 through 2020 is presented; the text explains the data and its usage. This volume is one in a planned series covering planetary mission targets. This publication is one in a series of volumes devoted to planetary positional and geometric data. The present Volume II provides information describing tile planet Venus. Other volumes to be published in 1983 are III, IV, and V, describing Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn...
This publication contains graphical data necessary for the analysis of planetary exploration missions to Venus. Positional and geometric information s...
This publication is one in a series of volumes devoted to planetary positional and geometric data. The present Volume III provides information describing the planet Mars. Other volumes to be published in 1983 are II, IV, and V, describing Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn geometric data, respectively. The presentations of planetary positional and geometric data for Mercury (Volume I), Uranus (Volume VI), Neptune (Volume VII), and the Pluto/Charon System (Volume VIII) will be published later. This publication contains graphical data necessary for the analysis of planetary exploration missions to...
This publication is one in a series of volumes devoted to planetary positional and geometric data. The present Volume III provides information describ...
This publication contains graphical data necessary for the analysis of planetary exploration missions to Jupiter. Positional and geometric information spanning the time period from 1985 through 2020 is presented; the text explains the data and its usage. This volume is one in a planned series covering planetary mission targets. The purpose of this series of planetary geometry handbooks is to provide mission and science planners, as well as trajectory designers with graphical information sufficient for preliminary mission design and evaluation. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the...
This publication contains graphical data necessary for the analysis of planetary exploration missions to Jupiter. Positional and geometric information...
This publication contains graphical data necessary for the analysis of planetary exploration missions to Saturn. Positional and geometric information spanning the time period from 1985 through 2020 is presented; the text explains the data and its usage. This volume is one in a planned series covering planetary mission targets. This publication is one in a series of volumes devoted to planetary positional and geometric data. The present Volume V provides information describing the planet Saturn. Other volumes to be published in 1983 are II, III, and IV, describing Venus, Mars, and Jupiter...
This publication contains graphical data necessary for the analysis of planetary exploration missions to Saturn. Positional and geometric information ...
The Human-Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR) in this document drive the design of space vehicles, their systems, and equipment with which humans interface in the Constellation Program (CxP). These requirements ensure that the design of Constellation (Cx) systems is centered on the needs, capabilities, and limitations of the human. These requirements embody the collective experience of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the operation of human spacecraft from Project Mercury to the International Space Station (ISS). The HSIR provides requirements to ensure proper...
The Human-Systems Integration Requirements (HSIR) in this document drive the design of space vehicles, their systems, and equipment with which humans ...
The official scope of this study was (1) to review and analyze the state-of-art in beamed-energy propulsion (BEP) by identifying potential game-changing applications, (2) to formulate a roadmap of technology development, and (3) to identify key near-term technology demonstrations to rapidly advance elements of BEP technology to Technology Readiness Level (TRL). The two major areas of interest were launching payloads and space propulsion. More generally, the study was requested and structured to address basic mission feasibility. The attraction of BEP is the potential for high specific impulse...
The official scope of this study was (1) to review and analyze the state-of-art in beamed-energy propulsion (BEP) by identifying potential game-changi...