After a traumatic childhood where he is abandoned by his mother and his father commits suicide, Jonathan Melton nds loving adopted parents. As a young man, through a passion for English literature, he nds love with the gorgeous Sophia. Her free spirit brings happiness to Jonathan's life that he could have scarcely imagined. Everything is seemingly perfect as they marry and have a daughter. But tragedy changes everything. The baby dies unexpectedly and Jonathan is unable to cope. Distraught, his marriage to Sophia disintegrates and Jonathan hits rock bottom. Saved from...
After a traumatic childhood where he is abandoned by his mother and his father commits suicide, Jonathan Melton nds loving adopted parents. As a young...
After a traumatic childhood where he is abandoned by his mother and his father commits suicide, Jonathan Melton finds loving adopted parents. As a young man, through a passion for English literature, he finds love with the gorgeous Sophia. Her free spirit brings happiness to Jonathan's life that he could have scarcely imagined. Everything is seemingly perfect as they marry and have a daughter. But tragedy changes everything. The baby dies unexpectedly and Jonathan is unable to cope. Distraught, his marriage to Sophia disintegrates and Jonathan hits rock bottom. ...
After a traumatic childhood where he is abandoned by his mother and his father commits suicide, Jonathan Melton finds loving adopted parents. As...