The harrowing journey down The Darkened Path continues...A new family with a dark and shadowy past, and a uncertain future, moves to the dead end community of Lone Oak. A woman and her son try to move on, and start a new chapter in their lives and rebuild from their shattered past. Peace will not be had, as neighbors whisper lies and deception, destructive plots are weaved, and dirty secrets are hidden behind closed doors and veiled curtains. Bitter rivalries emerge from seeds of devastating betrayals, and wars rage unchecked between family, friends, and loved ones, that threaten to tear...
The harrowing journey down The Darkened Path continues...A new family with a dark and shadowy past, and a uncertain future, moves to the dead end comm...
Lucan Drake, King of Draconia, Dragon God of both human and Draconic realms, and Guardian to Serena Drake, will do anything to protect his appointed ward. Serena is more precious to him than any jewel in a dragon's hoard, and it is also part of the divine task given to him by the High Creator, for Serena has a very special path to follow in life. He will challenge Tristan Mckinley and push him to his limits, for the man has his own destiny to fulfill, but will it be as the High Creator has said? Can Tristan truly merge himself with his Twin Soul, and claim his rightful place in both Lucan's...
Lucan Drake, King of Draconia, Dragon God of both human and Draconic realms, and Guardian to Serena Drake, will do anything to protect his appointed w...