"Diary of a Food Whore" is a whimsical take on my cooking exploits beginning with my elementary school days and it goes on until being trained by an Executive Chef at the famed Detroit Yacht Club. I share wonderful stories about my family and friends as I transform myself from a home cook to an aspiring Executive Chef. At the end of each chapter, I include my favorite recipes from the era I love telling stories about my family and friends. I couldn't make stuff up this good
"Diary of a Food Whore" is a whimsical take on my cooking exploits beginning with my elementary school days and it goes on until being trained by an E...
I wanted to compile a wonderful collection of interesting, yet easy and tasty dishes to prepare. I am completely in love with cooking and my passion becomes deeper as I mature in the kitchen I'm hooked and am trying my darndest to get you hooked on cooking and the wonderful pleasure that it brings to not only you, but your family and friends Enjoy
I wanted to compile a wonderful collection of interesting, yet easy and tasty dishes to prepare. I am completely in love with cooking and my passion b...