Cybele Unchained Comedy fiction takes a trip to planet Earth Mother. Read how plain old Dave from small town Maybridge falls in love with the glamorous Lucy, and ends up as Ishtar the Priest. Gods and Goddesses run amok from London to Wyoming, and Hector of Troy conquers the mighty Achilles in an arm wrestling contest. Most of all, this is the story of the ancient Goddess, Cybele. She rises once more in a globe-shaking transformation. The Divine One, and the forces behind her, give the pagan world a thoroughly modern makeover. Cybele also wears sunglasses and sings like Marilyn Monroe. This...
Cybele Unchained Comedy fiction takes a trip to planet Earth Mother. Read how plain old Dave from small town Maybridge falls in love with the glamorou...
Cybele Goes Crazy - Comedy fiction takes a trip to planet Earth Mother. Read how plain old Dave from small town Maybridge falls in love with the glamorous Lucy, and ends up as Ishtar the Priest. Gods and Goddesses run amok from London to Wyoming, and Hector of Troy conquers the mighty Achilles in an arm wrestling competition. Most of all, this is the story of the ancient Goddess, Cybele. She rises once more in a globe-shaking transformation. The Divine One, and the forces behind her, give the pagan world a thoroughly modern makeover. Cybele also wears sunglasses and sings like Marilyn Monroe....
Cybele Goes Crazy - Comedy fiction takes a trip to planet Earth Mother. Read how plain old Dave from small town Maybridge falls in love with the glamo...