In the classic film, "Casablanca," everyone fades into the fog and that is the end of the story. But actions have consequences, and in this sequel to "Return From Casablanca," a version inspired by the film's story, the reader learns what happens to the main characters, Rick Grey, Ari Levy and Anya (Sharansky) Levy after they all "fade to black" and the credits roll. Ari Levy returns to the field and travels to the United States to track down and assassinate a terrorist, but is he ready for the mission? Ghosts of people he has killed haunt his conscience and his dreams, destroying his...
In the classic film, "Casablanca," everyone fades into the fog and that is the end of the story. But actions have consequences, and in this sequel to ...
Did the powers of ancient sorcerers and witches fade away over the millenniums, or are they still known to some? In ancient Celtic times, a Druid sorcerer does not return from a council, leaving his apprentice lover to wait. Even his spirit seems to have vanished. In the twenty-first century, a computer engineer encounters a woman who introduces him to a world of ancient magic, a world with which he must become acquainted. She will learn that he holds powers he does not understand, but which will protect both he and others from harm.
Did the powers of ancient sorcerers and witches fade away over the millenniums, or are they still known to some? In ancient Celtic times, a Druid sorc...