As one of the first dependents to be sent overseas at the end of WWII, eight-year old Marilyn Celeste Morris received her very own orders from The War Department, From Seoul, Korea, to Linz, Austria, she traversed theblobe from 1938 to 1958 withe her Army Officer father, mother and younger brothers. Between assignments in the primitve world of the Far East, to the sublime luxury of exploring castles in Bavarika, the family shuttled between the various Stateside Forts: Bragg, Riley, Hood and Sill. Someyimes hilarious, somettimes gut wrenchibngly sad, her narrative is part travelogue, part...
As one of the first dependents to be sent overseas at the end of WWII, eight-year old Marilyn Celeste Morris received her very own orders from The War...