"A hilarious time-travel adventure series full of wonderfully endearing and wacky characters." There's more to time than ticks and tocks. Lewis and Eva Hudson have a dad who is a part-time archaeologist. He likes to discover things, but Dr Rex Hudson isn't the brightest flame in the fire. One day he arrives home with his biggest discovery yet, and dumps it in the basement. That's the day when all the trouble starts. In the blink of an eye, the Hudsons find themselves in the middle of a looming catastrophe. It's a crisis so big that it threatens to break time itself. Add in a mysterious rival...
"A hilarious time-travel adventure series full of wonderfully endearing and wacky characters." There's more to time than ticks and tocks. Lewis and Ev...
"A hilarious time travel adventure series full of wonderfully endearing and wacky characters." The effects of the Shift have caused havoc at Time Square. Time itself is in danger of imploding and Operation Slingshot has been activated to save the day. Team ELMR embark on their first mission to locate and rescue the first of the missing travellers. Mission: ELMR-01 Date: 8-July-1947 Location: Roswell, New Mexico, United States of America Mission Brief: Readings indicate that the target traveller has possibly been captured by a brilliant, but eccentric, scientist...
"A hilarious time travel adventure series full of wonderfully endearing and wacky characters." The effects of the Shift have caused havoc at Time Squa...