Healing Power is the fourth of four 30-day devotionals on divine healing designed to encourage the sick and inspire visitors with healing scriptures and brief commentary. Doctors, nurses, counselors, ministers and concerned loved ones now have 30 uplifting Bible verses to share with the patient.
Healing Power is the fourth of four 30-day devotionals on divine healing designed to encourage the sick and inspire visitors with healing scriptures a...
Pick the Right Pastor, Choose the Right Church offers an innovative technique designed by a pastor to help ministers select churches that are compatible to their personalities and instructs churches in how to select the type of pastor they need. It examines psychological aspects of thoughts and behavior of spiritual leaders and churches to give insight as to how decisions are made and reveals the power structure of a church community.
Pick the Right Pastor, Choose the Right Church offers an innovative technique designed by a pastor to help ministers select churches that are compatib...
A Place for Peace: 30 Meditations on Inner Peace is the second in the Peace series by pastor and author Steven Galindo. Drawing upon 30 scriptures from the Holy Bible, we are reintroduced to the source of tranquility, our Heavenly Father. The book contains a full month of rest, refreshment and repose as we read, meditate and pray.
A Place for Peace: 30 Meditations on Inner Peace is the second in the Peace series by pastor and author Steven Galindo. Drawing upon 30 scriptures fro...
"When God Hides a Man" explores the idea of the Lord selecting future leaders of ministry and hiding them away to work on their character and develop their talents. Using David, Joseph and Daniel from the Bible as examples, pastor and author Steven Galindo illustrates the taking and breaking, the gifting and releasing work of God in our lives.
"When God Hides a Man" explores the idea of the Lord selecting future leaders of ministry and hiding them away to work on their character and develop ...
The Blood and the Cross offers seven messages on the blood of Jesus and the cross of Calvary. Touching on the history of blood sacrifice and Roman crucifixion, we see through scripture why Christ died and what His death and resurrection means for us today. Special emphasis is put on the power of the cross and the blood to heal and change us. It will shift your perception of God forever.
The Blood and the Cross offers seven messages on the blood of Jesus and the cross of Calvary. Touching on the history of blood sacrifice and Roman cru...
In the Wilderness: A Survival Guide for Spiritual Drought assists the Christian believer who is passing through a dry season where God's voice seems silent and His presence undetectable. It is a study of how the desert of the soul changes us. Seven disciplines of growth and development are offered as aide while in the furnace.
In the Wilderness: A Survival Guide for Spiritual Drought assists the Christian believer who is passing through a dry season where God's voice seems s...
The Three Give-Ups of God examines how God dealt with the sinful generation of Noah's day. The first chapter in the Book of Romans reveals a dreadful pattern of how the Lord dealt with wickedness, and how He may soon deal with us
The Three Give-Ups of God examines how God dealt with the sinful generation of Noah's day. The first chapter in the Book of Romans reveals a dreadful ...
8 Lessons the Potter Taught Me addresses the concept of God as a potter, and we are His clay (Jeremiah 18). Discussed is God's sovereignty and compassion, His oversight and care, our submission and trust and the fulfillment of our divine destiny in His Kingdom.
8 Lessons the Potter Taught Me addresses the concept of God as a potter, and we are His clay (Jeremiah 18). Discussed is God's sovereignty and compass...
God, Gays and the Kingdom of Heaven offers a biblical view on homosexuality, and research about this "alternative lifestyle" Hollywood, the news media and education reformists have kept from you, then offers advice on how to minister to this unique and challenging group of people as well as helpful scriptures and a question-and-answer session presented in a compassionate, inclusive approach.
God, Gays and the Kingdom of Heaven offers a biblical view on homosexuality, and research about this "alternative lifestyle" Hollywood, the news media...