Half of us will experience a panic attack at some time in our lives. For those who do, the experience can be quite literally terrifying. For many the experience is so unpleasant that they avoid similar situations in future. Some develop disabling panic disorders and agoraphobia. At several times in his life - especially during a severe episode of mixed anxiety and depression, author Tim Watkins experienced disabling panic attacks. Then, quite by accident, he discovered a secret about panic attacks that led to recovery and to his never having a panic attack again. In this book, he sets out...
Half of us will experience a panic attack at some time in our lives. For those who do, the experience can be quite literally terrifying. For many the ...
"We must pay off the debt" "We have to balance the books" "We should have fixed the roof when the sun was shining" The same message has been trotted out time and again by economists and politicians from all parties: Only by cutting public spending can we hope to return to economic growth. But what is clear from the experience of 2010-15 is that austerity has failed to deliver. In 2010, the coalition government inherited a public debt of 0.76 trillion. By 2015, despite savage austerity cuts and an assault on social security, they managed to raise the public debt to 1.36 trillion. The new Tory...
"We must pay off the debt" "We have to balance the books" "We should have fixed the roof when the sun was shining" The same message has been trotted o...
We dare not talk about this... Politicians dare not discuss it for fear of causing mass panic... North Sea oil and gas production peaked in 1999. The oil bonanza is over - the oil income spent. Britain is once again an energy importer. Worse still, we are increasingly dependent upon imports from the world's trouble spots and hostile regimes - Libya, Nigeria, several Gulf States and Russia. Even worse, successive governments have failed to invest in new electricity generation; let alone a switch from petroleum-powered vehicles. What they have done is closed most of the coal-fired power...
We dare not talk about this... Politicians dare not discuss it for fear of causing mass panic... North Sea oil and gas production peaked in 1999. The ...
Sheep must think - if they think at all - that the farmer works for them. He feeds them, shears them, protects them. All seems well, now and forever. Until that day when most of the lambs are herded into trucks and driven away..."Only at this point of real and immediate crisis does the consciousness of sheep expand to contemplate the wider picture. Nevertheless, there is no serious resistance. They are now so conditioned that, despite their fears, the sheep walk meekly to their deaths....Of course, we humans are more sophisticated than sheep are we not?" The Western world stands at a...
Sheep must think - if they think at all - that the farmer works for them. He feeds them, shears them, protects them. All seems well, now and forever. ...
Eighty-four word and number puzzles: saintly simple crosswords and word searches, tricky code words, word wheels, mazes and sudoku, devilishly devious cryptic crosswords and more...
Eighty-four word and number puzzles: saintly simple crosswords and word searches, tricky code words, word wheels, mazes and sudoku, devilishly devious...
Don't be put off by the numbers Although sudoku grids use the numbers 1-9, they are not maths puzzles. They are logic puzzles that involve working out the one correct location for each number within the grid (see the rules on page 1 of the book). In this handy-size book of 200 puzzles you will find a range of grids from the very easy - ideal for beginners - to the very tricky - for the old hands.
Don't be put off by the numbers Although sudoku grids use the numbers 1-9, they are not maths puzzles. They are logic puzzles that involve working ou...
When the Mafia make money they use the same plates, paper and ink as the government. The include the same security features and use the same serial numbers. Even to the most trained eyes this counterfeit currency is physically indistinguishable from the real thing. This being the case, why - exactly - is this Mafia money a crime? Who are its victims? Why should we care? The answers to these questions draw us into the fraud at the heart of our contemporary financial system; a fraud so vast in its scope yet so cleverly disguised that almost all of us treat it as normal while less than one in a...
When the Mafia make money they use the same plates, paper and ink as the government. The include the same security features and use the same serial nu...