In the aftermath of World War II, sixteen year old Eleni accepts a marriage proposal from a mysterious Greek-American. As she boards the ship alone that will sail from Greece to the United States, her heart is in a state of constant conflict. Should she be anxious or happy? The guilt of hurting Yianni, a young boy who has admitted his love for her openly, makes her feel perhaps she is not worthy of true love at all. This guilt is compounded by leaving her mother and her beloved country behind. Eleni is not the first or the last person to ruin innocent love by making hard choices. Eleni may be...
In the aftermath of World War II, sixteen year old Eleni accepts a marriage proposal from a mysterious Greek-American. As she boards the ship alone th...
In the book "Cicada's Choice," Eleni makes a hasty decision when she leaves Yianni, her childhood love back in Greece, to marry George, a man she hardly knows. She departs for America after their wedding with the promise of a better life. "Cicada's Consequence," the second book in the Cicada Series, begins with her arrival. Eleni must quickly assimilate into a new life and even a new name, which her husband insists upon. In her effort to blend in, she begins to lose who she once was. When she starts to think the challenges of being a teenager, wife and immigrant are almost too much to bear,...
In the book "Cicada's Choice," Eleni makes a hasty decision when she leaves Yianni, her childhood love back in Greece, to marry George, a man she hard...
In the conclusion to the novels "Cicada's Choice" and "Cicada's Consequence," Eleni thinks she has been through it all and does not believe she is worthy of love until she meets another. Once again, she will have to deal with choice and circumstance in the final heart wrenching story of the Cicada Series. Will she find the peace and love she has been longing for since she first decided to move to America in the novel Cicada's Choice or will her last days be tormented with regret? Current times begin to compare in some ways to Eleni's experience as a child in Greece during WWII. Will history...
In the conclusion to the novels "Cicada's Choice" and "Cicada's Consequence," Eleni thinks she has been through it all and does not believe she is wor...