Trapped by a loveless marriage spanning two decades and hounded by ungrateful children, artist Andrea Fremont fears that her life is ending before it really began. Her family doctor gives Andrea a choice: medicate herself, or take a vacation - no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Even as her domineering husband forbids her to leave, Andrea flees his attempt to wreak havoc on her life and arrives at the lush Greek island of Santorini. She finds lush, romantic vineyards, the ancient windswept ruins of Akrotiri, and - to her great surprise - a lover twenty-five years her junior. But could what...
Trapped by a loveless marriage spanning two decades and hounded by ungrateful children, artist Andrea Fremont fears that her life is ending before it ...
1881: When Huang Sun's tong attempts to murder Mai Lee, Matthew Slade learns that the ruthless human trafficker means to attack her father, the Chinese Prince Zailan So the gunslinger and his sea captain friend Amos Harding need to beat Huang Sun to the Far East city of traveling via the new wonder of the age, a self-propelled airship Slade and Amos blaze across the Pacific, battling hostile islanders, Huang Sun's allies, and Chinese bandits along the way. Yet Slade must overcome all if he is to win the day and save his adopted family
1881: When Huang Sun's tong attempts to murder Mai Lee, Matthew Slade learns that the ruthless human trafficker means to attack her father, the Chines...
1882: When Huang Sun attempts to murder Mai Lee, gunslinger Matthew Slade and sea captain Amos Harding follow the evil tong leader all the way to the Far East city of Shanghai Imperial China teeters on the edge of open revolt as commoners and nobles alike are roiled by Huang Sun's machinations. Entangled in a web of intrigue, Slade and his friends must fend off assassins, turncoats, traitors, and unscrupulous ambassadors Their only weapons are the swivel guns of their armor-plated airship, the loyal soldiers of Captain Sima Yang, and the smartest horse this side of the Yellow River. But can...
1882: When Huang Sun attempts to murder Mai Lee, gunslinger Matthew Slade and sea captain Amos Harding follow the evil tong leader all the way to the ...