In this fourth installment in the Charity Series, Charity is now 24 and very content with her life. Her 5 year old triplets keep her grounded, she is passionately in love with her husband, and her pack is thriving. But when her children begin asking questions about how her father died, painful memories resurface. In a heartwarming dream, her father convinces her that it is time to share those memories with her most trusted mate, Levi, in order to heal once and for all. But will reliving the stormiest time in her life finally give Charity the peace and closure she so desperately needs? Or will...
In this fourth installment in the Charity Series, Charity is now 24 and very content with her life. Her 5 year old triplets keep her grounded, she is ...
June Russell is a free spirited artist living her dream life in her recently inherited beach cottage on Oak Island. She is addicted to coffee and clutter, and with her quirks and mother issues, she is perfectly content to be alone, feeling her life is utterly and ultimately complete. But when the adorable Tucker Mitchell helps her out of a sandy situation during an altercation on the beach, the powerful sparks are hard to ignore. Despite the facts that they are completely opposite and not looking for love, they fall-hard, neither one seeing it coming. And just when they think life couldn't...
June Russell is a free spirited artist living her dream life in her recently inherited beach cottage on Oak Island. She is addicted to coffee and clut...
Calico Cross is a girl unlike any other, a 'were' and different even within her own kind. The only place she feels true acceptance is with her three sisters. The love between them is strong and binding. On one fateful night, the ruthless pack leader, Creed, attacks, with only one purpose in sight: making the Cross sisters join him once and for all. But the girls have other plans. In a brave act, they flee...leaving all behind for a chance at freedom. As fate would have it, the girls find a refuge in Appleville, where they will seek the solitude they have always wanted, but will they find it?...
Calico Cross is a girl unlike any other, a 'were' and different even within her own kind. The only place she feels true acceptance is with her three s...