In this sequel to "The Osiris String," Sam Buckner, a biogenetic researcher at the University of Toronto, and Melinda Gordon, now Under Secretary of Intelligence and Analysis at Homeland Security are drawn into the quagmire of American politics. Sam's research into the effects of stellar movements on the story of evolution, and the formula he develops, set the stage for a struggle between the "right" and the "left" of the political and religious spectrum. Sam is surprised that his quest for evidence of whom we are as a species, in particular his suggestion that we are not the "rational"...
In this sequel to "The Osiris String," Sam Buckner, a biogenetic researcher at the University of Toronto, and Melinda Gordon, now Under Secretary of I...
SlipTime Sam's final words in The Divine Formula are coming back to haunt him and Melinda.The two are called to help the President solve a mystery which has existed for over sixty years. Does "Area 51" ring a bell? What they don't realize is that the fate of civilization and that of mankind itself lie in the balance.
SlipTime Sam's final words in The Divine Formula are coming back to haunt him and Melinda.The two are called to help the President solve a mystery whi...