In the wake of the events of "Plotzlich in Palermo," Elisabeth lands a promising job in Vienna which comes with many perks but demands a lot of traveling, while Dino is left to his own devices.Pampered by Viennese "Gemutlichkeit" and slightly confused by yet another German dialect, he hangs around in coffeehouses until he saves the day for someone whose gratitude elevates him into a position of prestige and responsibility. Explore the Austrian capital, learn about Viennese coffee culture, local cuisine and improve your German effortlessly along the way.
In the wake of the events of "Plotzlich in Palermo," Elisabeth lands a promising job in Vienna which comes with many perks but demands a lot of tra...
This is the fourth episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
In an abandoned house at the outskirts of a small town, an unidentified body has been found. Can you help Kommissar Harald Baumgartner and his colleague Katharina Momsen solve this case and improve your vocabulary along the way?
Why brood over grammar sheets and lifeless workbooks when you can be entertained and learn natural German at the same time
This book contains:
a page-turning story crammed with humor and suspense
This is the fourth episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
This is the third episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
In a seedy internet cafe the dead body of a teenager is found. What caused his death? Did he die from exhaustion or was it murder? Help Kommissar Baumgartner and his colleague Katharina Momsen unravel this mystery and improve your vocabulary at the same time
Why brood over grammar sheets and lifeless workbooks when you can be entertained and learn natural German at the same time
This book contains:
a page-turning story crammed with...
This is the third episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
This is the second episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
In a small seaside town body parts start appearing out of nowhere. To whom do they belong? Can you help Kommissar Baumgartner and his colleague Kommissarin Momsen identify and catch the murderer?
Why brood over grammar sheets and lifeless workbooks when you can be entertained and learn natural German at the same time
This book contains:
a page-turning story crammed with humor and suspense
special emphasis on idioms and...
This is the second episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
This is the fourth episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
In the local zoo a corpse is found in the Panda enclosure. How did it get there? Was it an accident or ruthless murder? Help Kommissar Baumgartner and his colleague Katharina Momsen unravel this mystery and improve your vocabulary along the way
Why brood over grammar sheets and lifeless workbooks when you can be entertained and learn natural German at the same time
This book contains:
a page-turning story crammed with humor and...
This is the fourth episode of the popular Baumgartner & Momsen mystery series for German learners.
This is the sequel to Genowrin, the interactive fantasy adventure for German learners at intermediate and advanced levels.From all over the kingdom, people are flocking to your hometown in hope of finding shelter from the rampaging armies of the tyrant king Katano The time has come to storm his palace and end his evil machinations once and for all. This interactive adventure ebook for German learners puts you, the reader, at the heart of the action. Boost your grammar by engaging in sword fights, improve your conversation skills by interacting with interesting people and...
This is the sequel to Genowrin, the interactive fantasy adventure for German learners at intermediate and advanced levels.From all over the...