Les Thraces et les Daces impressionnerent enormement leurs ennemis par leur immense maitrise du combat au corps a corps. Les Thraces servirent de point de repere pour la constitution de l'equipement des phalangistes de Philippe II de Macedoine, et de modele a la creation d'une armatura de gladiateurs romains des plus celebres et durables: le Thraex. Les Daces, quant a eux, forcerent les Romains a revoir toutes leur dotation en armures et furent envoyes avec leurs anciens adversaires pour proteger la limite du "monde civilise," sur le Mur d'Hadrien. L'existence du Ludus Dacicus a Rome sous...
Les Thraces et les Daces impressionnerent enormement leurs ennemis par leur immense maitrise du combat au corps a corps. Les Thraces servirent de poin...
During the Neo-Assyrian period, the scale-armours surely represented a massive investment of time, human and material resources, which can be understood as they appear to be mentioned in the booty from the 8th Campaign of Sargon II. Obviously, the lacing patterns were different according to a lot of particular factors, like the period, the region, the people, the function of the soldier and the availability of the materials required. The shapes of the armour-scales also, and certainly, evolved according to the changes in warfare tactics and style of combat. In this monograph, the basic...
During the Neo-Assyrian period, the scale-armours surely represented a massive investment of time, human and material resources, which can be understo...