IN-POWEREMENT is a call to BE fully powered from within your Self in each and every moment. The limitless power of your Greater Self is summoned in each and every moment, with each and every single thing you allow to take your focus and attention. The power to be connected, the power to be in Flow, the power to be the author and owner of all that you perceive and experience is always entirely in your hands. IN-POWERMENT Gone Viral brings you the most shared and re-blogged empowering and inspiring quotes from Kidest OM. Throughout these pages, you are reminded to return to your center, to...
IN-POWEREMENT is a call to BE fully powered from within your Self in each and every moment. The limitless power of your Greater Self is summoned in ea...
Whatever sector of reality you desire to perceive, you do so through the mindsets you bring to form in your own field of perception. Dive into the living stream of information and energy offered in these pages to understand what structure of perception allows one to not only witness but participate in the frequent emergence of miracles in their personal reality. Merging fields of study in consciousness, perception, various sciences, and metaphysics, this book offers you a perspective and practice on the accessibility of all that you would define as miraculous. It rests on the primary premise...
Whatever sector of reality you desire to perceive, you do so through the mindsets you bring to form in your own field of perception. Dive into the liv...