Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine is an ancient science of diagnosis and treatment. It has developed its own ways to inspect, interpret and diagnose the diseases of a patient to prescribe suitable treatment. However, there are basic principles to understand them in the limited explanation. In order to diagnose the disease on the basis of Ayurvedic principles, the physician should know the subtle changes occurring inside the body due to the imbalance of Dosha (Three body humors). Specific investigation methods explained in Ayurveda for various Srotas (systems) and diseases related to it...
Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine is an ancient science of diagnosis and treatment. It has developed its own ways to inspect, interpret and diag...
Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine is an ancient science of diagnosis and treatment of various ailments. When we consider about the prevalence of various diseases, every year worldwide near about 10-20% of the patients seeking medical advice suffers from skin diseases. Diseases of the skin account for a great deal of misery, suffering, incapacity, and economic loss. Beside this, person suffering from the skin disease consider themselves as a great handicap in the society. Ayurveda has its own principles of diagnosing and treatment of various skin diseases under the head of Kushtha. This...
Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine is an ancient science of diagnosis and treatment of various ailments. When we consider about the prevalence of...