When the babysitter doesn't show up one stormy night, it looks like the Woodley's night out is ruined... that is, until they get their odd-duck of a neighbor and retired scientist from Hellaburton Corporation, Ol' Man Johnson, to watch their boys for the evening. Join us as he tells his disturbing tales of horror and suspense, gathered around the candlelight. Aware A group of campers take a weekend retreat as part of their group therapy treatment, when they run into a group of local thugs who try to rob them... the thieves quickly realizing they might've bitten off more than they can chew....
When the babysitter doesn't show up one stormy night, it looks like the Woodley's night out is ruined... that is, until they get their odd-duck of a n...
The Lycan Chronicles A small, secluded town in Southern Indiana holds many dark and sinister secrets. Formed and financed by the ruling class of Vampires wishing to expand their covenant into the New World, this peculiar town was established in 1840, and it remained peaceful for over 160 years. Not a single unnatural human death had occurred among the many that were employed there in order to satisfy the Vampire's never ending thirst for blood... welcome to Wolf Creek. Before the inception of this otherworldly place, the Vampires were the hunted in the new America. In desperate need of...
The Lycan Chronicles A small, secluded town in Southern Indiana holds many dark and sinister secrets. Formed and financed by the ruling class of Vampi...